6:11 am
July 11, 2022
cogent infotech
Human Resources
Dallas, TX
Cogent Staffing


Moving from one job to another can be a defining moment in anyone's career. Even if you have just a few years into the job or have been for close to a decade, it takes a lot of commitment, serious thinking, and analytical capability to figure out if switching a job is the right thing to do.

 As you do not want to face 'shift shock' and want your old job back soon after switching to a new role, it is better to do the preparatory groundwork before you decide to jump ship.

Take the case of James. He moved out of journalism after 10 years and switched sides on the table to move into public relations. While he was impeccable at storytelling and building narratives, the lack of clarity of his role in the PR firm ensured that he was out of work six months down the line. 

James moved back into journalism in a new firm soon after. James believes he blew up his chances to emerge as a successful public relations manager by not asking the right questions before joining.

Switching jobs is a critical juncture in anyone's career. Here is how you can switch jobs and make sure that you don't regret your decision:

Think through the decision

It is one thing to get a job offer with which you can validate your skill set and value; it is another to think through if it fits well in your career trajectory. Taking the right career decision without bias and absolute objectivity is easier. 

It is a good idea first to figure out the career goals and then focus on drawing the evaluation process. This will lay a strong foundation for your decision-making process. At the same time, you can avoid reaffirming your biases by following a roadmap.

Ask the right questions

An interview is a good opportunity to ask the right questions from the employer and get clarity on the culture and work environment. It is important to realize that while you are projecting yourself as the best candidate for the job in the interview, the organization interviewing you is also projecting itself as the best employer in the market. Therefore, you should take all promises made in a job interview with a pinch of salt and not believe everything you see or are told.

Take the case of James. Here are some of the questions that James could have asked in the job interview before accepting the offer: 

  • How will my success be measured?
  • Where does my role fit in the organization's hierarchical ladder? How will my efforts contribute to the organization's success?

Stay away from cognitive bias

It is important to avoid preconceived notions and beliefs while deciding to switch jobs. A usual mistake people make while switching jobs is that they make decisions based on recently processed information or confirm the beliefs or views of an individual. Identifying these biases and avoiding mixing them with life-changing decisions like switching jobs is critical.

For instance, after the pandemic, Anna joined a well-funded start-up hoping for a better salary and benefits. However, the funding dried soon after, and business was struggling. While Anna wanted to pay off her student loan with the better compensation promised by the founder, as the company floundered, she was soon back in the market looking for another job.

Look for help outside your network

Switching jobs is a critical decision for any individual. Therefore, it is important to look beyond the well-polished glass doors and manage social media profiles to ascertain an organization that better fits you.

It is not a bad idea to network with others already working for the organization you plan to join. It will help you get a valuable perspective on what it is like to work for such an organization and whether it matches your personality and skill set.

It is better to consult people who usually counter your viewpoint rather than people who tend to agree with you more often. It is ideal to consult people with no vested interest in your choices, and you can give them the independence to be completely honest with you.

Don't make impulsive decisions

As you must have noticed from the points mentioned above, switching jobs is critical in anyone's career. The last thing you want is to be impulsive or quit in rage. You will face several challenges at the workplace, and when you are impulsive, you will accept the next offer that comes your way. In such a scenario, there is a high probability that the decision will not work as planned, and you will regret it.

Even worse, one impulsive decision can lead to a chain of quick job switches that may not look very good on your resume. Therefore, it is better to think through the process and see what you want from your career and how your choices will impact your career growth.


With The Great Resignation movement ongoing, many employees are leaving well-paying, settled jobs. Considering the career choices and the possible pros and cons is essential. 

Even when you are leaving for the right reasons, it is important to consider the points mentioned above, create a roadmap, and make a decision with a clear mind that is beneficial for your career.

To read more engaging content like this, visit the Cogent Infotech website. 


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