Lower Colorado River Authority- Cyber Security with NIST Framework

7:40 am
September 2, 2021
cogent infotech
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Case Study

The Customer

Lower Colorado River Authority is a non-profit public utility, which functions as part of a US state legislature, and is actively engaged in water stewardship, energy and community service.  

Lower Colorado River Authority is a non-profit public utility, which functions as part of a US state legislature, and is actively engaged in water stewardship, energy and community service.  

The Challenge

·       Evaluate various business entities operated by the client using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

·      Update and improve their cyber security protocols    

·      Prepare process documents on the implementation of security controls for these entities both for the present and for reaching the desired levels of implementation in the near future

The Process and Solution

·       Meticulously maintained and operated a variety of cyber security measures and software that enhanced multiple security functions such as access control, monitoring and vulnerability assessment.

·       Ensure dup-to-date protection from malicious software and cyber threats, by implementing tests and measures that remediated and mitigated risk at different tiers within the client’s cyber security system.

·       Recommended and established best practices that enhanced system security across the grid for all of the client’s business entities.

·       Provided valuable insights to the client in order to ensure compliance with the latest security regulations, standards and laws.

Created and delivered security training materials and classes for multiple stakeholders involved, thereby developing a robust cybersecurity ecosystem based on a holistic and growth-oriented approach


The Impact

·      Improved client’s technical understanding of cyber security threats

·      Implemented and ensured technical security compliance solutions for NERC, PCI, FBI CJIS, HIPAA and other regulatory requirements.

·      Improved client’s threat detection, threat intelligence and incident reporting, while also reducing its vulnerability significantly

·      Collaborative efforts in mentorship ,compliance and quality control helped elevate the client’s cyber security framework to an advanced level.  


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